Frequently Asked Questions

Section 6. Top Tier Gas

What is TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline?

TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline (TTDG) is a new class of fuel that helps keep engines cleaner for optimal fuel economy, improved engine performance and lower emissions. It is based on a fuel performance standard developed by BMW, GM, Honda and Toyota. TTDG is guaranteed to contain more effective detergency and to be free of deposit-forming metallic additives, at no extra cost to the consumer.

Who developed TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline standards?

TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline standards were developed by four of the world's top automakers: BMW, General Motors, Honda and Toyota. Honda sponsors TTDG to educate customers that not all fuel is the same and to encourage regulators to standardize enhanced fuel quality.

What products does it apply to?

A qualifying retailer must ensure that every grade in every retail location must meet or exceed the TTDG standard in order for the retailer to be designated as "TOP TIER".

What fuel retailers in Canada sell TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline (TTDG)?

The current list of TTDG Retailers may be found at

What are the benefits of TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline?

TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline (TTDG) is a new class of fuel that helps keep engines cleaner for optimal fuel economy, improved engine performance and lower emissions.

  • Many brands of gasoline are formulated with less optimal additive packages that allow deposits to build in fuel injectors, intake valves and combustion chambers.

  • These deposits deprive the engine of performance and responsiveness, in addition to reducing its fuel economy and long-term reliability.

  • Gasoline brands of this designation meet new, voluntary standards and have demonstrated their ability to keep engines clean through a series of demanding tests.

  • TTDG is guaranteed to contain more effective detergency and to be free of deposit-forming metallic additives, at no extra cost to the consumer.

Will I pay extra for TOP TIER Detergent Gasolines?

TTDG is guaranteed to contain more effective detergency and to be free of deposit-forming metallic additives, at no extra cost to the consumer.

Where can I get more information on TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline?

Please visit the following websites for additional information on TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline: